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Happy New Year: Here Are All The Games Of 2018 (So Far)
2017 is done and over with. Let’s celebrate this lovely new year with, what else, a list of games confirmed for 2018. Or at least, the ones we know of since the past few months.
We’ll break it down into quarters so that it’s easier for us to refer to. As for games that don’t have anything more than a “2018” stamp on it, we’ll just take a guess on which season it’ll most likely be out on.
If you want the video version of this feature, check out the sweet montage below. For now, this 2018 games list is as comprehensive as it can get.
Dragon Ball FighterZ (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
It’s got a silly name, even for Dragon Ball standards. But this 2D fighting game based on the most influential shonen manga out there is sure to turn heads with its frenetic 3vs3 gameplay, its colourful cast, and its gorgeous 2.5D cel-shaded graphics. Out January 26.
God of War (PS4)
The next action adventure game in the God of War series focuses on a wiser and older Kratos going through a Norse-influenced world and teaching his son Atreus the ropes. The game will be drastically different and reworked this time around: no multiplayer, no morality choices, and no QTE sex minigames. Sony said it’ll be out in a few months, give or take.
Crackdown 3 (Xbox One)
The original open world super-powered protagonist action game that paved the way to titles like inFamous and Prototype will be making a huge comeback. Let’s hope its multitude of delays makes this worth the wait. Out Spring 2018.
Tunic (PC)
It’s a Zelda-inspired adventure game featuring pixelated blocky polygons and a fox as the main hero. What’s not to love?
Lost Sphear (PS4, PC)
The spiritual sequel to I Am Setsuna, this Tokyo Factory-developed RPG will hit all the old-school RPGing notes: turn-based combat with team-up attacks, short-but-sweet game that goes straight to the point, and charming top-down aesthetics. Out January 23.
Kingdom Come (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
Want an open-world RPG but without all that fantasy and Elder Scrolls nonsense? Then this medieval knights-versus-knights life simulator is for you! Serf’s up on February 13.
Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life (PS4)
The next instalment in the Yakuza series focuses on an older Kiryu Kazuma as he finds out what’s going on since his incarceration. Expect gripping drama, lots of fisticuffs, and a ton of unnecessary-but-fun minigames and karaoke sessions. Oh and there’s also selfies-taking and Beat Takeshi for some reason. Out March 20.
Extinction (PC)
Remember Iron Galaxy Games, the folks who did Divekick and the latter half of the awesome Killer Instinct reboot? This time, the team is taking a stab at a Monster Hunter-style game. Out March 31.
Monster Hunter: World (PS4, Xbox One)
Speaking of which, Capcom’s real deal moneymaker is on home consoles and is looking pretty and meaty gameplay-wise. This entry might be the friendliest of all for newcomers, though that remains to be seen and playtested. Out on January 26.
Battletech (PC)
Battletech creator Jordan Weisman is leading a team to create a turn-based strategy game featuring a ton of mechs from the franchise. It’s been a while since we’ve played a new Front Mission-style game, eh?
Far Cry 5 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
The sixth Far Cry game (we’re counting Blood Dragon too) is set in rural Montana where a giant church group is toting guns and weapons of mass destruction. You have to sort them out with firepower too, but at least you have the option of co-op and an AI-controlled dog at your side. Out March 27.
Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox One)
Remember Grand Theft Auto V? Now imagine that scenario but in the Wild West. The first Red Dead Redemption was an awesome open world game with a compelling story about a father figure offing his former gang. This sequel takes place years before all that when the Dutch gang was alive and kicking.
Attack On Titan 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
The sequel to the Tecmo Koei Attack On Titan game (from the in-house studio who did them Dynasty Warrior beat-em-ups) will feature a bigger story and more titans to kill.
A Way Out (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
From the guys who did Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons comes this co-op required affair about two convicts doing a prison break and are on a lam. Also, the director of this game is a rather outspoken individual. Out March 23.
Kirby Star Allies (Nintendo Switch)
It’s been ages since we’ve had a mothership Kirby title. This one features 4-player platforming and co-op action; should be fun on the party-savvy Switch. Out in Spring 2018.
Knights And Bikes (PS4, PC)
This imaginative puzzle game has quite a pedigree team behind it. Developer Foam Sword is made up of ex-Media Molecule members, so it’s no surprise that the game’s unique aesthetic will be its major selling point.
Sea of Thieves (Xbox One)
Yaaar matey! This Rare-developed game lets you live out your dreams of being a pirate, teaming up with your crew as you search for awesome treasure and sink a ton of rogue pirates. Out March 20.
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (PS4, PC)
Ni no Kuni has a sequel, and so far it looks glorious. We’re not sure how the story goes now, since we don’t have a person from Earth entering the fantasy world to learn a huge moral lesson. Still, with Ghibli character designer Yoshiyuke Momose and composer Joe Hisaishi back for part 2, the game’s aesthetics will be the main highlight in this Level-5 designed RPG. Out March 23.
Metro: Exodus (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Basically the sequel to Metro: Last Light. The heroes from the last game leave Moscow to explore new, and possibly dangerous, territories to expand and continue surviving.
Fe (PC, Xbox One, PS4)
A pretty indie game from EA and developer Zoink. According to the game’s description, you climb, glide and dig your way through a dark Nordic forest and explore its living, breathing ecosystem filled with secrets, side quests and mystical creatures. Might be this year’s Journey or Ico. Out early 2018.
Fist Of The North Star/ Hokuto Ga Gotoku (PS4)
The Sega team that developed the Yakuza games will be taking the helm in this action adventure based on the hit 80s post-apocalyptic anime/manga about a badass named Kenshiro and his exploits. Much like the Yakuza games, they’ll also be ass-kicking and minigames aplenty. Out March 8 in Japan, so it may be out later this year in English.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PS4)
The turn-based pseudo-World War II steampunk series is going back to its roots following the left turn Valkyria Revolution took last year. You control Squad E, led by captain Claude Wallace, as you pull off Operation Northern Cross to end the Second Europan War. The squad will be waylaid by snow and harsh weather conditions, which should add some interesting gameplay mechanics to challenge and/or help players.
Darksiders 3 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Yes, we need more action-adventure Legend of Zelda clones with edgy 90s aesthetics, please! The next Darksiders game features Fury, sister to War and Death, as she is tasked with taking down the Seven Deadly Sins using her magic and her sword whip.
We Happy Few (Xbox One, PC, PS4)
This indie survival and exploration-focused adventure game takes place in a dystopian 1960s era where the whole world’s gone mad with a drug called Joy. It’s currently on early access, and it’ll officially be out on April 13.
Jurassic World Evolution (PC, Xbox One, PS4)
It’s Theme Park plus SimCity meets dinosaurs. Build up your perfect Jurassic World theme park complete with labs, breeding centres, and randomly-generated hazards most likely involving pteranodons and other giant reptiles. Out around the same time as that new Jurassic Park film.
Metal Gear Survive (PS4, PC)
This action game will be the first Metal Gear title to be published without Hideo Kojima following the messy divorce that happened a while back in 2015. This co-op survival shooter takes place in an alternate reality where Big Boss’ military group for MGSV fight against crystallized zombie things in an unknown wasteland.
Mineko’s Night Market (PC)
An adventure game about crafting and cats. But really, you’re going to be here for the lovely-looking arts-and-crafts aesthetics and the kittehs.
Vampyr (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Developer Dontnod Entertainment is delving into action RPG horror and the 1910s period of London as players control a doctor who is turned into a vampire, hence the creatively-spelt title. You’re presented with tough decisions as you swing back and forth between your newfound bloodlust and your Hippocratic oath.
Let’s just hope the devs learned their action gaming mistakes from Remember Me and put on a much better experience. Out by Q2 of this year at the latest.
Spider-Man (PS4)
Insomniac is going to take that awesome Sunset Overdrive game engine and make a Spider-Man game out of it. This game will also have its own in-line-with-the-comics continuity and a ton of swinging-and-parkour-and-web-slinging action. We’re guessing it’ll be out in the second half of the year.
Dreams (PS4)
Media Molecule, the folks behind the LittleBigPlanet series, will be back with their own brand of user-generated content spiel in this new adventure game. Follow an imp as he solves puzzles, traverses ephemeral landscapes, and possess various characters.
The game’s real kicker will be its community-created levels. Hopefully no phallic-shaped ones.
Another FIFA Title (PS4, Xbox One)
EA’s definitely going to release a new FIFA game, probably with new minute features, a new single-player bit, and a ton more Ultimate Team action.
Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries (PC)
The team behind Mechwarrior Online will be creating a brand new single-player campaign. Features four-player co-op mode and tons of mechs from the Battletech franchise.
Mega Man 11 (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)
Here’s a lovely surprise: a new Mega Man 2D platformer from Capcom. Features 2.5D graphics and gameplay, a slew of new Robot Masters, and game design work from Mega Man devs Koji Oda and Kazuhiro Tsuchiya. Hopefully, it won’t make you cry like an anime fan on prom night.
Anthem (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
EA and Bioware are attempting an action-adventure shooter with RPG and loot-hoarding mechanics set in a far future alien world(s). Only in this instance, they’re using the power armour hook. We’re pretty sure it’ll come out at the tail end of the year with the other triple-A blockbuster games out there.
The Last Of Us Part 2 (PS4)
Set five years after the original, this game will be played from the perspective of the first game’s heroine Ellie. Naturally, we don’t know much about the rest of the story but we can expect the same stealth-based gameplay and violent action sections from the first game.
Yoshi (Nintendo Switch)
Yoshi’s Wooly World for the Wii U was an adorable and deceptively tough platformer; a pity no one gave two effs about the console. Hopefully, with the Nintendo Switch’s success worldwide (at least outside of Southeast Asian regions), this sequel will get the love and adoration it deserves.
Catherine: Full Body (PS4)
Atlus’ puzzle game that features sheep, immoral choices and classical music remixes is getting a remastering. The devs are adding a new third character: Rin, who may or may not be a transgender if the trailer and internet reactions are any indication. Out Winter 2018.
Call Of Cthulu (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
What happens when you combine L.A Noire with In The Mountains of Madness? You get this open-world adventure game set in one of H.P. Lovecraft’s novels. With games like Resident Evil 7 and The Evil Within 2 representing the best of horror games last year, it’s high time we got some Cthulu action going.
Days Gone (PS4)
We’re not sure if we really need a new zombie-killing action game, but we do know that it looks decent so far. Plus it’s from the devs who were responsible for the Syphon Filter games.
Kingdom Hearts III (PS4, Xbox One)
Yeah, we’re pretty confident that this long-awaited action RPG featuring the Magical Kingdom and Square Enix’s universe to be out this year. With brand-new worlds and universes like Big Hero 6, Tangled, Toy Story, and Monsters Inc., this Disney & Square Enix mashup is sure to please fans who have been waiting since god-knows-how-long.
One Piece: World Seeker (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
The pirate-filled story of One Piece will finally have its first open-world action adventure game, with Luffy being the main character. Should be fun for shonen anime fans out there.
My Hero Academia: One Justice (PS4, Nintendo Switch)
As if Naruto fighting games weren’t enough, out comes this title based on the hit superhero manga/anime series about a boy trying to make it big in a superhero school without powers of his own.
Skull and Bones (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Well, the Ubisoft Singapore team HAD to do something with that awesome naval combat engine from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Assassin’s Creed: Origins, right? Point is, any new IP dealing with pirates and swashbuckling is welcome in our books. This may also be a turning point for Ubisoft Singapore if this game does well. Out late 2018.
System Shock (PC, Xbox One, PS4)
We’re not sure if we really need a System Shock remake since there are already a huge number of games that follow and improve on that template set by Doug Church, Warren Spector, & co. Still, if it means more people appreciating that classic, then go ahead.
SoulCalibur VI (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
The tale of souls, eternally retold, now told again to make amends for the fifth game. Bandai Namco is taking another stab (or slice, heh) at its 3D swords-filled fighting game franchise by going back to the past; Mitsurugi and Sophitia in that end-of-year trailer did look like their Soul Edge counterparts, don’t you think?
Also, can you guys bring back the awesome Chronicles of the Sword single-player mode from the past titles?
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Nintendo Switch)
Welcome back, Travis Touchdown. We’ve missed you. The beam katana action adventure meta-narrative game is back for the third time. And if that trailer last year is of any indication, we’re in for an insane ride once more into the mind of creator Suda 51.
Phoenix Point (PC)
The team behind the original XCOM games (ie the one with Julian Gollop) will be returning to form in this new turn-based alien-killing strategy game. This game will feature adapting alien AI that also mutates into bigger aliens, as well as potential large-scale combat. As if the new XCOM games we’ve been playing weren’t emasculating enough…
BioMutant (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
An open-world action adventure game featuring kung-fu anthropomorphic animals that mutate in the environment and robots to pilot & fight? From ex-Avalanche Studios members, the same folks who did the awesome Just Cause series? Where do I sign up?
Left Alive (PS4, PC)
This Square Enix shooter features art and concepts from Metal Gear artist Yoji Shinkawa. Apart from a lot of shooting, a sci-fi world, and mechs, that’s pretty much all we know so far.
Project Octopath Traveler (Nintendo Switch)
The folks who did the Bravely Default series is turning heads with this new RPG. Featuring 2D sprites with a stylized 3D perspective and eight protagonists with their own stories and gameplay mechanics, this one is for the RPG fans who yearn for an experience akin to the SaGa games.
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