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Hades 2: All Boons List & The Best Ones

Hades 2 is out now in Early Access. While its story bits are lacking, though still full of charisma, its gameplay is not. In fact, there’s a lot of content to get through here for a RM72 indie title.

This action roguelite, like the first Hades, is all about clearing rooms and getting powerups using the Princess of the Underworld Melione. These come in the form of Boons, where a random one from a Greek god will amp up your play style with curse-filled attacks, special spells, boosted-up casts (the circle that slows opponents down), and all sorts of passive boosts that will make your run enjoyable.

Here’s a list of them right now according to each Greek God.

Do note that Artemis’ Boons are obtained by chance if she chooses to help you on certain encounters. A random Boon can be bought at Charon’s Shop during your run.

Boons rest after each run. The game encourages you to mix and match Boons you find in any run, meaning potential Duo Boons that can amplify your play style.

Boons come in Active and Passive versions. Active Boons augment Melione’s Attacks, Specials, Casts, Dashes, or Magick restoration. You’re only allowed a single boon for each of these categories.

Passive Boons offer bonuses outside of the combat categories above. These include curse infliction, new combat ability mechanics, and buffs.

Boons come in four Rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, and Heroic. A Boon’s bonus gets higher for each Rarity upgrade. So if you’re presented with a Rare or Epic Boon,just go for those as they give a bigger bonus in your run.

Boon potency can be upgraded with Poms of Power. Full Poms let you choose 1 out of up to 3 Boons to upgrade, while Pom Slices level up a random Boon you own.

Selene Boons are basically your Hex (Supers). Use enough Magick to fill up the Hex bar and you can unleash your Super, be it a bunch of casts that polymorphs enemies, or a dive attack for big damage. Fun!

Disclaimer: This guide is still under development as Hades 2 is still in Early Access. 



Nova Strike (Active): Your Attacks deal more damage in a larger area.

Nova Flourish (Active): Your Specials deal more damage in a larger area.

Blinding Sprint (Active): Your Sprint is faster and inflicts Daze on nearby foes.

Solar Ring (Active): After your Omega Cast expires, the circle repeatedly deals damage in the area for 2 seconds.

Lucid Gain (Active): While standing in your Casts, gradually restore Magick. Very useful if you love spamming Omega attacks/specials/casts.

Extra Dose (Passive): Your Attack has a chance to hit 2 times. Worth getting.

Light Smite (Passive): After you take damage, your foe takes damage and you inflict Daze on all foes.

Perfect Image (Passive): In each Encounter, you deal more damage until you take damage. Common version starts at 10%.

Super Nova (Passive): Your Casts expand in size until they expire.



Heaven Strike (Active): Your Attacks inflict Blitz. Blitz is a curse that puts a cloud over an enemy’s head; after they take 20 damage, they get hit by lightning. Lasts 3 secs. Default Blitz damage: 80. Very useful if you level up this boon for more damage.

Heaven Flourish (Active): Your Specials inflict Blitz. Blitz is a curse that puts a cloud over an enemy’s head; after they take 20 damage, they get hit by lightning. Lasts 3 secs. Default Blitz damage: 100.

Thunder Sprint (Active): Your Sprint causes nearby foes to be struck by lightning bolts, which use 3 Mana each. Bolt damage: 20 every 0.15 sec.

Ionic Gain (Active): Gradually restore Magick, but your total amount is reduced by 70%.

Storm Ring (Active): Your Omega Cast also causes lightning bolts to repeatedly strike 1 foe at a time.

Divine Vengeance (Passive): After you take damage, your foe is struck by lightning, and again 50% of the time. Common damage: +100 up to two times. Rare: +100 (up to 3 times). Epic: +100 (up to 4 times).

Electric Overload (Passive): Whenever your Blitz effects activate, a bolt of chain-lightning fires from the foe.

Lightning Lance (Passive): Hold Cast to aim where the binding circle appears. Foes within are struck by Lightning. Bolt Damage at Common: 50. Rare: 70. Epic: 90.

Spirit Surge (Passive): While you have no more than 10 Magick, all foes are occasionally struck by lightning.

Static Shock (Passive): After you enter a Location, Prime 50 Magick to make your strikes emit chain-lightning. Prime means a certain amount of your Magick points is locked out to give you this buff.



Wave Strike (Active): Your Attacks hits foes with a splash that knocks other foes away. Great for keepaway.

Wave Flourish (Active): Your Specials hit foes with a splash that knocks other foes away.

Breaker Sprint (Active): Your Sprint deals damage on impact and knocks foes away, but uses 5 Magick per hit. Common version hits for 80 damage. Very good Sprint ability to have if you love charging into things.

Geyser Ring (Active): Your Omega Cast immediately detonates, dealing damage and knocking foes away.

Fluid Gain (Active): After you strike foes with your Weapon, a Spirit Bubble may appear. Spirit Bubbles give you back a sliver of Magick. Common version makes bubbles appear at +10% rate.

Flood Control (Passive): After you enter a Location, Prime 30 Magick to reduce any damage you would take.

Double Up (Passive): Whenever you claim a Minor Find or similar resource reward, a copy may appear.

Sunken Treasure (Passive): Gain Gold Crowns, Healing, and sometimes Ashes and Psyche.

Slippery Slope (Passive): Your splash effects from Poseidon also inflict Slip on foes. Slip makes enemies take more damage from splash and pushed back further from attacks.

Ocean’s Bounty (Passive): Any Minor Finds and Gold Crowns are worth more.

Hydraulic Might (Passive): At the start of each Encounter, your Attacks and Specials are stronger for 10 Sec. Common version gives you +100%.

Water Fitness (Passive, Infusion): While you have at least 4 Water Element Boons, gain +100 life.



Flutter Strike (Active): Your Attacks deal more damage to nearby foes.

Flutter Flourish (Active): Your Specials deal more damage to nearby foes. Common gives +100% damage.

Glamour Gain (Active): In each Encounter, 1 foe is always Weak. You gradually restore Magick near Weak foes.

Passion Dash (Active): Your Dash blasts foes near where you start and end, and inflicts Weak.

Rapture Ring (Active): Your Casts drag foes in and inflict Weak.

Healthy Rebound (Passive): Whenever you exit a Location, restore 100% Life if you have not lost too much. Common’s minimum life requirement to trigger is 80%.

Heart Breaker (Passive): Whenever you use 30 Magick, create a Heartthrob. Heartthrob detonates upon enemy impact and deals area damage.

Secret Crush (Passive): After you enter a Location, Prime 20 Magick to add Power to your Attack

Shameless Attitude (Passive): If you have at least 80% life, you deal more damage.



Ice Strike (Active): Your Attacks deal more damage and inflict Freeze. Very useful to keep enemies static. 

Ice Flourish (Active): Your Specials deal more damage and inflict Freeze. Very useful to keep enemies static. 

Frigid Sprint (Active): Your Sprint forms a Cyclone around you that lingers after you stop. Cyclone gives enemies Freeze curse and deals some damage. Common version deals 4 damage. Very useful as it also slows projectiles down and places the Cyclone at where you stop sprinting.

Artic Ring (Active): Your Casts repeatedly deal damage in the area and inflict Freeze. Very useful to get.

Tranquil Gain (Active): After remaining inactive for 1 Sec., rapidly restore Magick until you act. Best to use after clearing an Encounter room.

Cold Storage (Passive): Your Freeze effects last longer.

Weed Killer (Passive): Your Omega Attack deals more damage, but uses +10 Magick.

Winter Coat (Passive): After you enter a Location, Prime a barrier that absorbs 1 instance of damage. Prime locks out an amount of Magick points to activate the effect.

Gale Force (Passive): Your Casts also create a Cyclone at the binding circle.

Local Climate (Passive): Your Omega Cast deals bonus damage and follows you, even as you start to channel it.

Plentiful Forage (Passive): Whenever you gather plants, seeds, or mushrooms, gain Max Life. Receive 1 Mystery Seed now.



Volcanic Strike (Active): Your Attacks occasionally create a blast that deals 200 damage in the area. Blast recharge time is 12 seconds at Common; gets shorter with each Rarity upgrade.

Volcanic Flourish (Active): Your Specials occasionally create a blast that deals 400 damage in the area. Blast recharge time is 20 seconds at Common.

Smithy Sprint (Active): After you Sprint for 1 Sec., use 10 Magick to create a blast that deals damage to nearby foes.

Anvil Ring (Active): Your Casts deal damage 3 times in succession, but in a smaller area.

Fixed Gain (Active): You take -10% damage, and restore some Magick whenever you take damage.

Uncanny Fortitude (Passive): Gain bonus Max Life based on your Magick Limit.

Trusty Shield (Passive): After you enter a Location, Prime 30 Magick to gain Armor until the next Location.

Tough Trade (Passive): If you take damage during your Attacks or Specials, they are stronger if they hit.

Mint Condition (Passive): At the start of each Encounter, you are briefly Impervious.

Heavy Metal (Passive): Gain some Armor. Foes’ attacks cannot knock you away.



Flame Strike (Active): Your attacks inflict Scorch. Scorch deals damage over time like poison in games. Very useful.

Flame Flourish (Active): Your Specials inflict Scorch. Scorch deals damage over time.

Hearth Gain (Active): Rapidly restore Magick, but you have -20% Max Life.

Smolder Ring (Active): Your Casts repeatedly inflict Scorch on foes.

Soot Sprint (Active): Your Sprint destroys most ranged shots near you, and inflicts Scorch on foes that fired. Very useful when dealing with projectile-chucking enemies. 

Natural Gas (Passive): Whenever Scorch-afflicted foes are slain, they damage nearby foes.

Spontaneous Combustion (Passive): Your Omega Special inflicts bonus Scorch if foes are unafflicted.

Burnt Offering (Passive): Gain Max Life and Max Magick, but give up 1 Boon selected by Hestia.

Controlled Burn (Passive): Your Omega Special also launches a fiery projectile, but uses +10 Magick.

Glowing Coal (Passive): Hold Cast to aim a fiery projectile that explodes on impact. The binding circle forms there. A great passive for your Casts.



Easy Shot: A piercing arrow fires toward any foe damaged by your Omega Cast. Very useful if you love spamming Omega Cast.

First Blood: Foes with at least 80% health or armor may take Critical damage. Critical chance: +10%.

Silver Streak: After you Dash, your Omega Moves deal more damage for 2 seconds. Bonus Omega Damage: +10%.



Swift Strike (Active): Your Attacks are faster. Attack Speed: +10%. on Normal rarity.

Swift Flourish (Active): Your Specials are faster. Special Speed: +15% on Normal rarity.

Nitro Boost (Active): Your Sprint is 20% faster and gives you a barrier that ignores instances of damage. Hits blocked per encounter: 2 (Rare).

Hard Target (Passive): Most foes’ ranged shots are slower. Foe projectile speed: -30% at Normal.

Mean Streak (Passive): Each time you slay a foe, deal more damage for the next 30 seconds. Bonus Damage per Slain Foe: +1% (Normal).



Lunar Ray (Hex): Your Hex fires a beam that deals up to 1200 damage over 3 Sec.

Moon Water (Hex): Your Hex restores 25 Life up to 3 times, which reset whenever you use Fountains.

Night Bloom (Hex): Your Hex raises 1 random slain foe from this Encounter to fight for you for 12 Sec.

Phase Shift (Hex): Your Hex makes everything else move 80% slower for 5 Sec.

Twilight Curst (Hex): Your Hex launches a seeking projectile that inflicts Morph on up to 10 susceptible foes. Best one to use, in our opinion.

Wolf Howl (Hex): Your Hex makes you rise up, then crash down in the target area for 200 damage.


The Best Boons

The golden rule for any Hades 2 run is to play a lot of the game and get familiar with the Boons you get. Since they’re all random in every run, you have to adapt and find Boons that complement each other.

For example, Hestia’s Boons dish out Scorch, so you need to complement it with other Scorch-affecting Hestia Boons to make them more effective. If you’re lucky enough to get Demeter Boons, you can pair up Freeze with Scorch; enemies will stay in place while they get DoT effects. In one run we got far in, at least past the Fields of Mourning (3rd area), we had Demeter’s Frigid Sprint to slow enemies (and projectiles) down, coupled with Artic Ring for our Cast (which also inflicts Freeze that slows things down). From Hestia’s side, we used Flame Strike/Flourish to tag enemies with Scorch. To help with Magick restoration for your Omega-amplifying, consider using The Unseen arcana card to get 2 Magick points back per 1 second.


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  1. Hades 2 Guide: All Incantations And Effects At Hecate’s Cauldron | Kakuchopurei

    May 8, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    […] For more on Hades 2’s new and returning Boons, head here. […]

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