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*SPOILER ALERT* Infinity War Discussion – Let’s Talk About What Happened At the End of the Movie

Before we start, we have to emphasize of the YUUUUUUUUUGE Spoiler Alert coming up ahead. If you have not seen the movie and intend to do so soon, we strongly advise you to skip this article, and only return once you have done viewing it.

Our intention here is to address the lingering questions at the end of the movie, while also providing an avenue for civil discussion for those who have seen it. Spoiling movies for folks who are yet to watch it is just ain’t cool.















At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, following the big fight against Thanos and his goons in Wakanda, the audience, to our horror witness half of our favorite heroes literally disintegrate into thin air. This came moments after Thanos teleported to safety from being impaled by Thor’s Stormbreaker axe. What happened to them? And why is Thanos last seen sitting in a hut which felt like he was chilling out in Bali?

Basically what Gamora foretold happened – that once the mad Titan gets hold of all the Infinity Stones, he would sought to decimate half of the population. He literally did so by snapping his fingers and BAM! Half of the population including members of the Avengers are dead. Spider-man, Groot, Star-lord, T’Challa…. all bit the dust. But what does this leave us with?

As you already know, Infinity War only tells half of the story. The conclusion of this arc will be resolved in the fourth Avengers movie, which is yet to be named. All these twists and deaths? It was all part of Doctor Strange’s grand plan to defeat Thanos. You should be able to recall that while on Titan, Strange told Stark that they had a 1 in 14,00,605 shot at defeating Thanos and just before he himself turn into dust, convinced Tony that ‘it was the only way’. (If my memory serves me correctly, that was the line -  Please correct me here thanks!)

So What Next? Here’s What We Think Will Happen: 

To beat Thanos, they have to let him win first (Thanks for that line, Iain a.k.a @McNastyPrime ) – no matter how big the cost was. Tony, as pragmatic as ever agreed to it. In Infinity War, our heroes were not in the right state, condition nor position to defeat Thanos and they need more firepower to ensure his total defeat.

The remarkable thing was that all the original heroes from the first Avengers movie remain alive. Stark, Cap, Bruce, Natasha and Thor all were spared of this Thanos purge. Many are questioning – why were they spared? My guess is that it was simply the director’s choice. Also, in a way, it’s a good throwback to the main ones who started it all. The sextet who started the Avengers will be the one who keep the fight going when everyone else bites the dust. We are pretty confident that Clint Barton a.k.a Hawkeye is also safe and he will return in the next movie to avenge the losses his family suffered. Ronin. Mark our words. Other MCU heroes not featured including Ant-Man and The Wasp should also appear in Avengers 4.

In the post-credits scene, we saw both Maria Hill and Nick Fury suffering the same fate of being ‘deleted’ but they were able to call for Captain Marvel just in time. This scene is a direct allusion to the upcoming Captain Marvel movie where we learn about her origin. Set in the 90s, the movie will introduce viewers to quite possibly the most powerful being in the Marvel universe whose powers only rivaled by Thor and Thanos.


Expect Carol Danvers to hit the ground running when she joins the team in the fourth Avengers movie. We would love to see the Nova Corps be part of the plot as well – Nova Prime (Hi Glenn Close!) will return to the screen and our bet is that they will be the ones recovering Tony from Titan. Adam Warlock, who was teased at the end of Guardians 2 will also play an integral part in taking down Thanos.

There was also the talk on Nova being the next big hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Kevin Feige pointed out in an interview with ComicBook.com 

“If we have a big board with a bunch of characters that have more immediate potential, Nova is on that board. Because of the connection to the Guardians universe, because there are more than one examples to pull from in the comics that are interesting. And you’re absolutely right, he was in the earliest drafts of the [Guardians of the Galaxy].” he said.

We may or may not seen him in the Guardians movies but if there’s a company that knows how to transform a C-tier character into a household name, then Marvel is it.

As for Thanos – he is now living in seclusion, just as he told Strange earlier on Titan. His work is ‘done’ and will do anything to ensure it stays that way. He sacrificed so much including the only person he loved in the universe, Gamora to achieve it and will not yield without a fight.

Our remaining heroes will be fighting to reclaim the Infinity Gauntlet and the stones to undo the deaths of their friends – which is entirely possible with the Reality and Time Stones. But who is going to be using them, now that Strange is dead?


Yes. Our favorite sidekick, Wong who was last seen back at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Epic. Scene. Up. Ahead. Just hope he managed to get that tuna sandwich he was craving for earlier.


The Wong man for the right job (oh dearrie me)

But these are all just our guesses. Yours are as good as ours so do share them in the comments section below aye. Theories, guesses – whatever. We are in full spoiler territory here and everything goes.

Also, be sure to check our review of Infinity Wars here.

Captain Marvel is set to drop March 8th 2019.


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  1. Orang Tua Tak Sedar Diri (@harisbinali)

    April 26, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    We are still in the 1 in 14 million play. BUT GODDAMMIT SPIDEY!!!!!!!

  2. Orang Tua Tak Sedar Diri (@harisbinali)

    April 26, 2018 at 3:30 pm

    Ooh didn’t even think about Hawkeye. Maybe his babies died. Angry dad Thanos-Hawkeye faceoff?

    1. Kenn Leandre

      April 26, 2018 at 7:47 pm

      Hawkeye is the big play for Tony surely

  3. Orang Tua Tak Sedar Diri (@harisbinali)

    April 26, 2018 at 3:33 pm

    Stark tripping all the death red flags at the beginning is a great troll.

    And think about the day Thor has had. This took place immediately after Ragnarok where he lost his father, sister, and planet. It has been a shitty week

    1. Kenn Leandre

      April 26, 2018 at 7:42 pm

      lol. gotta feel for the big guy. Banner too.

  4. Mejoe Woque

    April 26, 2018 at 4:20 pm

    wondering if the events in infinity war will be linked to this week’s agent of shield…

  5. Infinity War Spoiler Discussion - Movie Baru

    April 26, 2018 at 5:05 pm

    […] *SPOILER ALERT* Infinity War Discussion – Let’s Talk About What Happened At the End of t… […]

  6. Mohammed Zakir

    April 26, 2018 at 7:46 pm

    Thanks for pointing out spoiler alert. Otherwise i would have opened and spoiled movie for myself

  7. Don

    April 26, 2018 at 9:28 pm

    That means all Avengers except the early line-ups were dead for good? 🙁

    1. Kenn Leandre

      April 26, 2018 at 9:30 pm

      that would be the status quo yes.

      1. Mr Toffee

        April 28, 2018 at 11:56 am

        Avengers 4 will be akin to that final Fab Four performance on the rooftop of the Apple Corp at 3 Saville Row; a final hurrah for Marvel Cinematic legends. Only with fireworks, CGI, and deaths.

  8. Nyet

    April 26, 2018 at 9:48 pm

    Clean slate protocol. With death comes life. New characters can be introduced. Let the dead rest. Arise Shuri, the Black Panthress.

  9. PG

    April 27, 2018 at 2:52 am

    You are spot on about that statement from doctor strange before he died “it is the only way or it was the only way ” and to me that is the biggest clue. This is all as post plan though who would die and live after analog of fingers is not something they could have predicted…so we’ll be interesting to see how that impacts whatever doctor strange right was their best chance

  10. Mark Anthony

    April 27, 2018 at 11:55 am

    I want to see another baby Groot come from the handle of Stormbreaker. A more powerful Groot with some of the power of Thor.

    1. Kenn Leandre

      April 27, 2018 at 3:26 pm

      haha. the most powerful tree in the universe

  11. Mr Toffee

    April 28, 2018 at 11:53 am

    The fate of the MCU world is now on Carol Danver’s shoulders. And, if the whole Disney IP-takeback from Fox works out, the Silver Surfer voiced by Laurence Ikan Bakar.

    1. Kenn Leandre

      April 28, 2018 at 1:16 pm

      you mean by Kratos =p

  12. Joisse

    April 28, 2018 at 8:58 pm

    My money’s on Iron Man to wear the gauntlet and reverse everything. Why do you think Dr Strange bargained for his life when he explicitly said before that he would rather let him die to protect the time stone? He saw that 1 in 14 million chance needed Tony to survive to defeat Thanos.

  13. Captain_Quint

    April 30, 2018 at 10:39 pm

    “Strange told Stark that they had a 1 in 14,600,005 shot at defeating Thanos “……I think Strange should have tried the 14,600,006th solution to defeating Thanos and that would have, after using the time stone, know exactly when and where Thanos was going to appear on Titan – at that exact moment – cut his head off…..game over.

  14. Summer Films To Watch Out For, From May Until August – KAKUCHOPUREI.COM

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    […] reeling from shock from that Avengers: Infinity War film? We still have one more of these Marvel Cinematic Universe films to deal with this year before […]

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    May 7, 2018 at 8:02 am

    […] reeling from shock from that Avengers: Infinity War film? We still have one more of these Marvel Cinematic Universe films to deal with this year before […]

  16. Mary

    May 13, 2018 at 6:29 am

    Thanks for explaining the ending of the movie. I was at a bit of a loss. If course they all come back to life.

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    July 9, 2018 at 11:01 am

    […] energy extraction run, since everyone manning the machine (Hank, Hope, Janet) is now dust thanks to the Thanos finger snap. But Hope Van Dyne’s actor Evangeline Lilly is in the Avengers 4 cast listing, so […]

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